Every parent with half a hope that their kid opens their life to Jesus ought to be on the Prayer Team. First of all, Keysis is a ministry. We are not babysitting, a social service, a fun activity, or a bullet point on a college application. We want to bring your child into face to face contact with Jesus Christ, to connect them to His saving power, to unleash the fire of the Holy Spirit in their lives, to form genuine followers of Christ, and to root them in the Catholic Church, the Body of Christ. What is necessary for this kind of evangelization and catechesis? Grace. What is needed to foster continual conversion, that turning of the heart away from sin and death toward the love and forgiveness of Jesus? Grace. What is necessary for forming those real disciples? Grace. By what are our souls saved? Grace - the free, unmerited gift of God at work in our heart and in our youth- comes from prayer. Intercessory prayer on behalf of others gives grace.
We want Keysis to be a powerful tool of grace so we are desperate for your prayers. Prayer-less youth ministry can be fun, entertaining, and even exciting, but it is only a shadow of what grace-filled youth ministry could be. Prayer Team volunteers commit to praying for ½ hour a week for all the youth at our parish, for Keysis to be effective, and for other youth ministry related needs. That’s about how long it takes to pray a slow and meditative Rosary. What a ministry we’d have if all our parents prayed one half hour for Keysis and the St. Luke’s Youth every week! I can’t make you volunteer, just like we can’t make your kids love Jesus. But I can promise you that God will bless your kids when you pray for Keysis. I have seen it countless times. Teens that don’t want to come, don’t like this or that about Keysis, when the parents start to pray for Keysis, God moves in their lives. Know this, parents, you are needed; your prayers are powerful for your children. Keysis is only as effective as our parents are prayerful. Join the prayer team and be a part of God’s beautiful work in the life of all the youth at St. Luke’s.
Below is something from our Pope Francis - pointing us toward prayer.